
Introduction to Kubernetes

3 Useful Tools
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Deploying to Cloud Providers

Conclusion: Kubernetes Works for IoT Deployments

As the hype continued to mount for Kubernetes within the development community, there has been some valid criticisms against Kubernetes for its huge learning curve and overhead required to maintain the beast. Very few companies run into the Google-scale problems for which Kubernetes was designed to solve. Nonetheless, we at Leverege have reaped tangible benefits from Kubernetes in terms of autoscaling, self-healing capabilities, immutability, cross-platform compatibility, and easier deployment once the infrastructure has been established.

Given the unique challenges posed by the nascent IoT world, Kubernetes has largely been worth the Leverege team’s investment by reducing the resources devoted to DevOps (deployment, monitoring, incident management). As more and more tools become standardized within the Kubernetes ecosystem to improve security, visibility, and usability, Leverege remains confident in the value of Kubernetes for production grade IoT deployments.

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