Jumpstart Your IoT Success

Execute a pilot before committing to full adoption with business integrations plus installation and training, all in a fixed-cost package.

Jumpstart is Step 2 of Our Proven Process

Leverege packages hands-on support with our highly customizable asset management applications in three distinct steps so you can prove value, mitigate risk, and accelerate your digital transformation.



So you’ve decided to implement IoT and transform your business, congrats! Before you commit to a particular vendor or product, first you want to evaluate what’s out there and select which of those options are worth investing the additional time and resources for a pilot.
Showcase the Value of loT


Your business has unique needs, so it’s important to pilot an IoT application so you can identify how the IoT application can adapt to you and where you’ll need to adapt to it (aka change management). This will help you understand and plan for what will be needed to successfully implement across your entire business beyond the pilot.


To successfully implement an IoT application across your business, it takes technology and people. You’ll need to pair devices to assets, build integrations, perform installations, and conduct training to ensure successful adoption and maximum ROI of your new IoT application.
Launch Across Your Business

Jumpstart Solves Key Challenges

A Jumpstart gives you high value with capped risk, enabling you to run a pilot, identify gaps, extend and integrate to meet your unique needs, and set the stage for broader adoption across your business.

How do you find out the true cost of scaling and determine ROI if you scale beyond the pilot?

Many IoT vendors will downplay costs or subsidize pilots to get you to buy, which can make it hard to determine the true costs of implementation and ownership. Plus, costs aren’t just about the technology, there are also costs associated with installation, training, integration, and broader business roll-out. Pilots fail to move to scale due to the high cost of scaling (32% of projects) and due to unclear business value/ROI (28%). So how can you find out what the costs would really be to scale? How do you calculate the value to your business, to determine a clear ROI?

How do you ensure your IoT application can scale beyond the pilot?

IoT pilots aren’t just fun science projects, pilots help you understand how the IoT application will work in practice at a larger scale. You don’t want to run a pilot, only to find that you’ll have to rebuild everything from the ground up because the pilot wasn’t architected for scale. In fact, 18% of IoT projects fail because of lack of trust in the scalability of IoT platforms. So how can you verify that the system that you’re piloting is built for scale? How do you avoid rework, and ensure that you can quickly move from pilot to business-wide roll-out if the pilot is successful?

Can the IoT application be easily integrated with your existing business systems?

The true value of IoT is unlocked when your IoT application is integrated with existing business systems, not siloed. Integration means that you can enrich the IoT application with data from existing business systems like ERPs and CRMs. Integration means that you can use your identify provider for single sign-on and to manage permissions within the IoT application for enhanced security and lower management overhead. Integration means that can feed your new IoT data into other parts of your business to increase efficiency, reduce costs, generate insights, and enhance customer experience. So how do you create these integrations while minimizing development efforts?

How flexibly can the IoT application be adapted to your business?

Every business is different, even within the same industry. Different business models, processes, personnel, internal systems, and more. Whenever you’re implementing a new tool (IoT or not), some degree of adaptation will be necessary. However, it’s easier to adapt a tool to your business than it is to adapt your business to a tool. So how configurable is the IoT application? Can you add custom extensions and features? If so, can these customizations be performed with no-code, with low-code, or do you need experienced developers?

A Jumpstart is one of our asset management applications customized to your business and chosen use case, with custom extensions and business integrations, plus devices, connectivity, installation, and training, all wrapped together in a fixed cost package. Jumpstarts are built on the Leverege IoT Stack, meaning they're ready to scale to millions of devices after the pilot without rework.

What’s in aJumpstart?

Dedicated IoT Success Manager

You get a dedicated IoT Success Manager, who will work closely with you to understand your business needs, customize the application, and provide training and operational support.

Custom Tailored IoT Application

Your IoT Success Manager will customize the application to your needs by creating user roles & permissions, updating layout & branding, and configuring dashboards & visualizations.

Devices Included

Leverege has a catalogue of pre-integrated devices optimized for different use cases. A total of ≤100 devices will be included and shipped to you as part of the Jumpstart.

Custom Extensions / Workflows

There's no one-size-fits-all solution in IoT. The Leverege IoT Stack gets you 80% of what you need out-of-the-box; Leverege's design and engineering teams will work with you to build custom extensions / workflows for the remaining 20%.

Business Integrations

IoT applications are most valuable when they're connected to your existing business systems (ERPs, CRMs, etc.). Leverege will work with you to identify and then integrate key systems for maximum value.

On-site Installation & Training

Leverege personnel will travel on-site to install IoT devices and/or gateways, tune and refine the system, and to meet your team and provide training.

Want to Develop Your Own IoT Applications?

If you want to develop and own IoT applications, whether it's to implement internally or to sell externally, don't start from scratch. Use the Leverege IoT Stack.

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Applications for Any Industry

Automotive, manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, supply chain/logistics, marine; whichever industry you're in, Leverege's customized asset management applications can be easily adapted to meet your business needs. IoT Changes Everything™.

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